Your job as a technical writer is to make information easy to find, understand, and use. Technical documents come in many shapes and sizes and have different goals. To write an effective document, you must know your goal. Define your goal, write it down, and use it to guide your writing.
Writing Tips: Technical Documents
Write for your readers.
Most importantly, know your subject and your audience. The purpose of technical writing is to help your readers understand technical information—in some cases, highly technical. For your writing to be useful, your readers must be able to comprehend it. These guidelines will help you write effective technical documents.
Use good technical style.
- First of all, be accurate and precise.
- Accurate writing is not vague. Vagueness comes from using words too broadly and not providing context.
- Quantify what you mean whenever possible.
- If you say something is small, define what small means.
- If code will take a long time to compile, tell the reader approximately how long.
- Complete comparisons.
- If you say that X is larger, better, lower, higher, you must tell the reader what you are comparing X with.
- Choose the words that mean literally and precisely what you are trying to convey.
- For example, use greater than and less than instead of over and under.
- Make sure your writing is clear.
- Clear writing is not ambiguous: it can’t be misread.
- Avoid words with more than one meaning.
- Use words in their primary, literal meaning.
- For example, don’t use since when you mean because or while when you mean although, because since and while also connote time.
- Avoid using this, that, and those by themselves; make sure that the reader knows what noun these words refer to.
- Don’t use a slash to mean and or or, as in hot/cold extremes cause malfunction.
- Also avoid and/or; decide which you mean and use either and or or.
- If both conditions are possible, use x, y, and other variables to clarify your meaning.
- Avoid due to, which could mean owed to or scheduled to; use because or caused by.
- Do not use where to mean when or in which.
- Clear writing is not ambiguous: it can’t be misread.
- Make sure your writing is coherent.
- Organize your thoughts logically at the sentence, paragraph, and whole-document level.
- Cover one topic in each paragraph.
- Make sure your sentences and paragraphs each follow logically from the previous one.
- Each section of the document should build on previous ones, so that they add bit by bit to the reader’s understanding. See Organize Your Writing. In section below!
- Write short, straightforward sentences.
- Short sentences help you to explain complex ideas simply. Sentences of 10 to 20 words are easiest to write and understand.
- If a sentence is longer, or contains several dependent clauses, break it into two or more shorter sentences.
- Use the active voice whenever possible. Use first person, active voice in most cases. The active voice is less wordy and more direct than the passive voice.
- For example, instead of writing The algorithm was designed to answer this question, use We designed the algorithm to answer this question.
- Passive language also turns verbs into other parts of speech and “hides” the most important verb in a sentence.
- For example, She was unable to hear the ringing of the bell is passive voice. She couldn’t hear the bell ring is active voice.
Avoid using such ‘buried’ verbs.
- For instructions, use directive language; for example, Turn the spigot to the left.
- Ensure that your word use, grammar and style, punctuation, and spelling are correct.
- Improper punctuation can completely change the meaning of a sentence. Most punctuation rules are part of English grammar and must be followed, but some are a matter of style. Some rules are different in British and American English, for example the rules for using punctuation with quotation marks. Rules for using commas and hyphens also vary, depending on the style guide you use.
- Do not punctuate URLs, even at the end of a sentence. Readers may assume that the punctuation is part of the URL.
- If your writing is sloppy, readers will wonder whether your understanding is also faulty.
- Ensure that your word use, grammar and style, punctuation, and spelling are correct.
Focus on your audience’s needs.
Know who your readers are and tell them only what they need to know. How much information you give, and how you express it, depends on who will use your writing.
For example, to teach non-technical people how to use software or assemble a tool, you must write more simply and give more background than you would when reporting research findings to peers in your field.
- Whoever your readers are, don’t waste their time.
- Tell the reader how to do or get what they want as simply and directly as you can.
- What are they trying to do?
- What do they need to know?
- They don’t need to know everything about the product or everything you know about your subject.
- Tell the reader how to do or get what they want as simply and directly as you can.
- Be as concise as possible.
- Cut out any words and details you don’t truly need.
- If your readers don’t need a piece of information, leave it out, no matter how interesting it is.
- Remove empty phrases such as It has long been known that, It is worth mentioning at this point, It might be said that, and so on.
- Use single words instead of phrases:
- not a number of, but several
- not the vast majority of but most or nearly all
- not at the present time but now
- not based on the fact that but because.
- Omit excess words such as green in color, preliminary in nature, there are three main steps that are required.
- Use language that is appropriate for your audience.
- Use words appropriately for their context.
- Do not use words with field-specific meanings to mean anything else when writing in that field.
- For example, when you report research that uses statistical analysis, reserve significant for expressions of statistical significance.
- Define terms that your readers may not understand or that have several possible meanings.
- Use language that is appropriate for your audience.
- If you plan to submit your writing for publication, knowing your audience includes knowing and following the publisher’s style requirements.
Style guides specifically for technical and scientific writing include:
- MIT’s Mayfield Handbook
- American Medical Association’s style guide
- National Institute of Standards and Technology’s style guide
- Microsoft’s style guide
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society’s style guide
Many are available online. Most journals, book publishers, and companies also have their own style or prefer one style guide over the others.
- Avoid unnecessary jargon.
- Jargon can be difficult to define. Whether a technical term is considered jargon depends on your audience.
- Even when writing for specialists, don’t overuse jargon.
- If a simpler word will do, use it.
- If you are not sure about your readers’ background knowledge, explain technical terms the first time you use them.
- Some clues that you may be using jargon:
- Too many abbreviations and acronyms
- Words that you can’t find in a dictionary
- Abstract words and phrases such as amenities, elements, structures, systems, and so on.
- Jargon can be difficult to define. Whether a technical term is considered jargon depends on your audience.
Organize your writing.
- Organize the text logically so that readers can find the information they need.
- Order information so that readers can use what they already know, and what you already have told them, to understand new information.
- Lay the text out so that its overall organization is easy to see.
- Ensure that the layout also points readers to key information.
- Format your document consistently.
- Use heads and subheads the same way each time.
- Ensure that the type size and font are the same in each section for each level of head.
- Start each with the same part of speech (noun, verb, gerund).
- Start with an introduction, outline, or table of contents, so readers know what they will find in your document.
- An introduction can be as brief as a paragraph or several pages long. For reports, it should tell readers why you wrote the document and what they can expect to find in it.
- If you are designing a website, the Home page is your introduction. Resist the temptation to create a cool, animated splash page just because you can. A beautiful display that doesn’t give your visitors useful information simply wastes their time.
- Develop your outline first. The outline is like the skeleton of your document. A good outline defines the overall shape of a written work and displays its internal logic.
- Write down your title: what is your subject?
- Under the title, list all of the major topics you will cover, in the order in which you’ll cover them.
- Under each major topic, list all of the minor topics required to cover the major one adequately.
- If you craft your outline carefully, you can use these topics and subtopics as the heads and subheads in your document or website and as the basis for your table of contents or site map.
- List every part of your document and give the page number on which each part starts.
- Make information easy to find by using heads and subheads.
- Use heads (short for headlines) or links to organize the material in each major topic.
- Tell readers what they will find in that section.
- Make heads as descriptive as possible: not Process Overview but How the Assembly Line Works.
- When possible, name the reader’s goal in each head or subhead: Getting Started in XML, How to Change Drill Bits.
- Use strong verbs and specific nouns.
- Use subheads to organize the subtopics under each major topic. Follow the same rule as for heads.
- Break text into brief one-topic paragraphs.
- Limit paragraphs to no more than 10 or 12 lines of text.
- If your paragraphs are too long, try breaking them up by topic, subtopic, or individual idea or making them into lists.
- For a website, consider linking to another page or a pop-up window.
- Use bulleted lists, numbered lists, and graphics to outline and illustrate key information.
- A list can be a good way to break up a long sentence or paragraph. Lists are also a good way to preview the material you cover.
- Use bullets when the order of the items in a list doesn’t matter.
- Start each item with the same part of speech (noun, verb, gerund).
- Keep items in lists brief, ideally no more than one line of text.
- Use numbers list only when the order of the items in a list is important.
- Good uses of numbered lists are instructions that must be followed in a particular order, items listed by size, or events that occurred in a specific order.
- Start each item with the same part of speech (noun, verb, gerund).
- Keep items in lists brief, ideally no more than one line of text.
- A list can be a good way to break up a long sentence or paragraph. Lists are also a good way to preview the material you cover.
- What kind of graphics you use depends on the kind of document you are writing.
- Software manuals commonly use images that show the parts of the computer screen affected by the action being described.
- Flowcharts are good for describing complicated processes.
- Diagrams are an efficient way to show how a thing is put together.
- Number every graphic you use and describe in the text what each one illustrates.
- Don’t imbed equations in text; put them on separate lines so they’re easy to see.
- Identify each of the variables and parameters in an equation when you first use them in the text.
- Number equations in the right-hand margin so you can identify them in the text.
- For long documents and complex websites, provide an index or site map.
- In a print document, an index is an alphabetical list of all major and minor topics and the page numbers on which they can be found. The index is always put at the end of the document.
- A website index (also called a site map) is a single page that links directly to the topics. Whether your index is printed or electronic, its purpose is to give your readers easy access to the information they want.
- Create a graph or outline that illustrates how the pages link together. Site maps improve navigation and help readers find the page they want.
Organization is especially important when you write content that will be read online.
- Design the overall structure of the site before you start to write.
- Start with an outline.
- Determine the site navigation: how will topics be linked?
- Write all of your heads and subheads on sticky notes.
- Arrange them on a wall into a rough site map.
- Ask colleagues to test it by telling you how they would expect to get from one part of the site to another.
- Reorganize the site based on their feedback.
- As with print, use heads and subheads to help readers figure out how the information is organized.
- Put one major topic on each page and link to related topics.
- Make links obvious, so that visitors will be confident that they will find what they need.
- Aim to fit each page of text onto no more than a screen and a half. Visitors’ page views will vary, depending on their screen sizes and browser settings.
- Avoid making your visitors scroll down long pages of solid text.
- Instead, break your text up into short paragraphs, grouped by topic.
- Limit paragraphs to no more than 10 or 12 lines of text.
- If your paragraphs are too long, try breaking them up by topic, subtopic, or individual idea or making them into lists.
- For a website, consider linking to another page or a pop-up window.
Test your writing.
Technical writing that readers don’t understand, or can’t use, has failed. Despite your best efforts, readers are likely to misunderstand what you write, have trouble following your instructions, or get lost at your website. Therefore, to be sure that what you write is useful, you must test it.
- Ask several people to read your writing and summarize the findings of your report, follow the instructions in your user guide, or navigate through your website. Observe them, but don’t help them. If they become confused, find out what is confusing them. Then rewrite that section.
Elements of Technical Documents: Types of Documents
Technical documents include a wide variety of materials, and each type of document has elements that may be specific to it. Common types of documents include the following:
User guides and other product support
- When you write user guides and product support, your goal is to teach people how to use appliances, equipment, or software.
- Start by listing the user’s goals rather than the product’s features.
- Describe the steps that readers must follow to reach those goals.
- Break each task down to a level that anyone can understand and follow.
- Restrict instructions to roughly 7 steps. If an instruction requires more than 10 steps, try to subdivide it.
Help the reader
- Tell and show readers what to expect once they’ve completed the steps. What will they see? Hear?
- Provide illustrations (make sure the text and the illustrations match).
- Warn readers about anything that could damage the product or injure them.
- Make warnings prominent by enclosing them in a box, using colored type, or tagging them with a special symbol.
Provide a backup plan
- Tell readers what to do if procedures don’t work.
- Let them know where to look for further help.
- If your product support text is online, provide direct links to help files and FAQs (frequently asked questions).
- If you also write the help files and FAQs, base them also on the reader’s goals and likely problems.
Technical reports
In writing technical reports, your goal is to explain a technical subject so that readers understand the topic clearly.
- Identify and define your topic.
- Provide a brief, relevant background of your topic.
- Define specialist terms that are used in the subfield or study of your topic.
- Explain how it works.
- Use a level of technical language that your readers will comprehend. If they are non-specialists, be aware of their level of knowledge.
- Avoid bias and promotion—provide a neutral, technical account.
For example, a simple technical report on investing in the futures market would explain how the market evolved, how it works, what specialist terms are used, and so on. It would not make recommendations or promote investing in the market.
Technical specifications
In writing technical specifications, your goal is to define technical aspects of new products. A patent application is a good example of this kind of technical document.
- Describe the features, materials, uses, and workings of the product.
- Concentrate on graphics, data, and illustrations to convey materials and workings of the product rather than written descriptions.
- Include labels, captions, and legends to contextualize and explain any graphics you include.
- Provide enough written detail that the product’s unique assets are clear.
Feasibility reports
Feasibility reports, sometimes called evaluation reports, present technical information in a practical and logical way. Your goal in writing one is to help people decide whether doing something is reasonable.
- Examine whether the idea is possible.
- Describe the steps needed.
- Point out any likely problems.
Feasibility reports don’t typically recommend a particular course of action. Technical reports that build on the feasibility report and make specific suggestions to support management decisions are called technical recommendation reports.
Independent research papers, white papers, and lab reports
- A white paper is a more complicated kind of technical report that details information about a particular company and forecasts its growth potential. This kind of report, used by financial firms, is used to guide investment decisions.
Not only do technical documents have different goals, they follow widely different styles. Be sure you know what style guide you should be using before you start to write.
See a Model: Technical Documents
Instructional Document: Needs Revision
This model is an example of a web page that is more focused on the product than on the reader’s needs.
Instructions: Lexco (Item 1) – How to Install Drivers (Item 2)
In most cases you will find that the Windows drivers found here are “self-extracting” (.exe) (Item 3) archives. (Item 4) Click the desired file. (Item 5) When prompted, we recommend setting the destination to your desktop. (Item 6) Create a new folder and move the archive into it. Click the file (Item 7); it will then extract the software and related files inside of your new folder automatically. (Item 8) Alternately you may extract or move these files to a floppy disk. (Item 9) Please note that these files will only self-extract if executed from Windows (Item 10).
After extracting the files to a disk or a special directory, you should look for the installation program, which is usually (Item 11) called “setup.exe” or “install.exe”, and click it to begin installation. (Item 12) If neither of these files are present, you should (Item 13) look for a text file containing special instructions called “Readme.txt” or something similar. (Item 14)
Sometimes there is no installation program because you must install your driver via the Windows “Add Printer” function. (Item 15) Instructions for installing printers can be found in the Windows help file. (Item 16) Our Macintosh Archives are also self-extracting archives. These files should be downloaded and then executed. (Item 17) The installer will be present on the desktop (Item 18) when done. (Item 19) Click the installer and follow the instructions to install. (Item 20)
Types of Printer Drivers: (Item 21)
- PCL5e Driver – Technically, the PCL5e has been superceded by PCL6 (Item 22); however, we make this driver available because the layout of some documents may be altered if they are originally created for a PCL5 compliant printer but are printed using PCL6.
- PCL6 Driver – PCL6 is a good general-purpose text / graphics driver. Ideal for Spreadsheets, Word Processing and Database printouts. (Item 23) It features superior graphics handling; (Item 24) although graphically better than the PCL5e driver, its speed is typically slower. (Item 25)
- PS3 Driver – The Adobe Postscript Driver is generally superior to all (Item 26), but it requires a Postscript compatible printer and can be a little more complex to install. (Item 27)
- IPDL-C Driver -This is a color printer driver designed specifically for optimal performance under Windows (Item 28)
Instructional Document Revision Notes
Item 1. The product name is stated awkwardly within the header. Try to make the header clear for the reader.
Item 2. Each word in the header should make the subsequent information provided on the product clearer. Therefore, the driver and purpose of the driver must be explained in the information. Avoid using jargon. Make the writing simple and clear for all users.
Item 3. Noncommittal statements such as this one make users feel uneasy about the function of their product. Avoid these statements, and stick to more factual, supported information.
Item 4. Links for downloads should be readily available for users to click on.
Item 5. The use of jargon can confuse the user. Make sure the information is simple and clear so that all users can understand.
Item 6. This wording is ambiguous. To avoid this, make sure instructions are clear and simple for all users to understand and follow.
Item 7. Technical documents should describe briefly why each step is done in the order listed. Some users may find it difficult to understand why certain steps should come after others, even if it makes processes simpler for them.
Item 8. Make sure to proofread all documents before releasing them to the public. Typographical and spelling errors can cause a company to lose some credibility, if it seems that they are not able to create proper documents to instruct their users.
Item 9. This statement is unclear. Statements such as this should be backed up with a reason. For example: Alternately, you may extract or move these files to a floppy disk for easy transferability between workstations or as a backup…
Item 10. The information should plainly state the requirements of the workstation to use the product. For example: The statement should also go on to say which workstations the printer will not be able to work with.
Item 11. This statement is ambiguous. Avoid using words like usually, mostly, and occasionally. Ambiguous statements make the user uneasy. State the title, followed by other likely suggestions in case the first title is incorrect.
Item 12. Instructions must be simple and clear. How many times does the user click?
Item 13. The instructions should be expanded to tell the user where to look for the text file to make things simpler.
Item 14. Avoid using ambiguous statements that may make users feel uneasy about using the product.
Item 15. Avoid using statements such as sometimes. Express the rest of the information as if it is additional instructions.
Item 16. State the location of files, etc., to make them easier for the user to find.
Item 17. This information should have been stated earlier. Instructions should be concise and to the point. In this example, information is scattered for the user to find.
Item 18. Instructions and information should state what the title of the installer will be to help users easily find it on their desktops.
Item 19. The end of the sentence is ambiguous. State exactly what will happen so the user will have no questions about what is occurring.
Item 20. Give the user specific directions.
Item 21. This header is concise and to the point. Users can easily identify that this section is about the type of printer they are looking for.
Item 22. Avoid the use of jargon. Simply state that the PCL5e has been replaced by the PCL6. Do not confuse the reader with insignificant details that may be difficult to comprehend.
Item 23. Explain that this is the new printer driver.
Item 24. When describing an object or its abilities as superior over other products, describe why. If the information is irrelevant to the purpose of the document, do not include it.
Item 25. Describe “why” in circumstances where users may not understand. Make the user feel confident they have chosen the correct product.
Item 26. In some cases, the use of words such as generally, mostly, and sometimes can be helpful in remaining neutral to the strengths and capabilities of all products. This allows users to see that certain products can be better for specific needs.
Item 27. Avoid ambiguous statements. Describe why it might be hard to install, or do not include this information at all.
Item 28. The information provided is a bit ambiguous. It does not specifically tell you about the printer driver, only that it functions best with Windows.
Instructional Document After Revision
This revised version focuses on helping readers use the product to achieve their goals. It gives them well-organized information that helps them to use and understand the product.
How To Install Lexco Printer Drivers (Item 1)
To use our printers, you must first install a printer driver. (Item 2) A printer driver is a small software program that enables your computer to communicate with the printer. (Item 3) Click to download the driver most appropriate for your needs: (Item 4)
- PCL6 Driver (Item 5)
Our current standard driver. A general-purpose text and graphics driver, ideal for spreadsheets, word processing, and database printouts.
CAUTION: This driver may alter the layout of some documents originally created for PCL5 compliant printers. If you need to print many such documents, use the PCL5e Driver. (Item 6)
Download: …Windows …Macintosh (Item 7)
- PCL5e Driver (Item 8)
Preserves the layout of documents created for PCL5 compliant printers. Faster than the PCL6 driver, but with less graphics-handling abilities than the PCL6. (Item 9)
Download: …Windows …Macintosh
- PS3 Driver
Adobe Postscript Driver with superior graphics handling. For use only with Postscript-compatible printers; installation may require additional steps. (Item 10)
Download: … Windows …Macintosh
- IPDL-C Driver
Color printer driver designed specifically for optimal performance with Windows. (Item 11)
Download: …Windows (Item 12)
Download and Installation Instructions (Item 13)
- Windows Drivers
You must be running Microsoft Windows to use these drivers. (Item 14)
- Click the Windows download button for the driver you want. (Item 15)
- At the prompt, select your desktop as the destination for the driver file. It will appear on your desktop as a self-extracting archive file with an .exe extension (for example, PS3.exe). (Item 16)
- Create a new folder and move the archive file into it.
- Open the folder and click the file once. The archive will extract the software and related files within the folder automatically.
- Locate the installation program (setup.exe) and click it to begin installation. Follow the prompts until installation is complete.
- Problems? (Item 17)
If the setup.exe file is not in the folder, open the file called Readme.txt and look for special instructions. You may need to use Windows’ Add Printer function to install your driver. Check the Windows help file for more information: http://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/en-US/hardware.mspx (Item 18)
- Macintosh Drivers
These drivers run only on Macintosh computers. To download and install Macintosh drivers:
- Click the Macintosh download button for the driver you want.
- At the prompt, select your desktop as the destination for the driver file. It will appear on your desktop as a compressed file with a .zip extension (for example, PS3.zip). (Item 19)
- Double-click to decompress the file. A disk-image (.dmg) file appears on your desktop. Double-click the .dmg file. It creates a disk icon that contains the driver. (Item 20)
- Double-click the disk icon to open the installer window.
- In the installer window, double-click the installer. Alternately, drag the software to the Applications folder on your hard drive.
- Problems?
If nothing happens when you double-click on the .zip file, you may need to download Stuffit Expander. This decompression utility is free and can be downloaded from http://www.stuffit.com/mac/expander/ (Item 21)
Revised Instruction Document Notes
Item 1. This heading tells readers what they will learn on this page. It also ties “printer” and “driver” together, so readers know they are related.
Item 2. This sentence tells readers what the benefit is: install the driver, and you can use the printer.
Item 3. This sentence tells readers what the product is and explains why it’s necessary.
Item 4. This sentence gives readers a concrete action to perform and alerts them that they need to decide among several alternatives. The alternative types of drivers are listed next, along with links to take the user directly to a download site.
Item 5. This printer driver is the standard, so it’s listed first.
Item 6. The PCL6 has not been designed to handle older documents. This incompatibility could cause real headaches for some customers, so readers need to know about it. Therefore, the problem is flagged as a caution. The text then tells the reader what to do if they need to print older documents.
Item 7. The buttons to download the printer drivers are right underneath their descriptions and clearly labeled so that readers know which version of the driver (Windows or Macintosh) they’re going to get.
Item 8. The PCL5e is listed next, because it’s the solution to the incompatibility problem with the PCL6.
Item 9. The PCL5e is listed next, because it’s the solution to the incompatibility problem with the PCL6. The performance differences between the two are described in terms the user will be able to understand.
Item 10. Unfortunately, this text doesn’t outline the “additional steps” that may be required during installation. The author should research the additional steps necessary or at least provide a link to more information.
Item 11. This statement tells the user exactly with which programs the printer works best; however, it does not explain why.
Item 12. There’s no Macintosh button, because this driver is Windows only.
Item 13. Now that readers know what their options are, the writer tells them how to act on those choices. Instructions are written as procedures: simple steps that anyone can follow.
Item 14. This very brief introduction tells readers whether these are the steps they should follow.
Item 15. Each step starts with a verb in second person imperative tense (as in directions or instructions), so it’s clear who’s supposed to perform the action (the reader).
Item 16. The procedure also tells readers what to expect as a result of the steps they perform.
Item 17. This section tells readers what to do if common problems arise.
Item 18. Whenever possible, give readers resources to help themselves.
Item 19. The procedure also tells readers what to expect as a result of the steps they perform.
Item 20. Give readers specific instructions. Tell them what to expect as a result of the steps they perform.
Item 21. Whenever possible, give the readers resources to help themselves.
Revision Checklist: Technical Documents
Does your document focus on the reader’s needs?
- Focus on what readers need to learn or do.
- Use language appropriate to your audience’s level of knowledge about the subject.
- Don’t waste readers’ time with details they don’t need.
- When writing procedures, tell readers what to expect and what to do if things go wrong.
Does your document suit the task it must perform?
- Make sure that user guides and product support address readers’ needs and give them step-by-step instructions to reach their goals.
- Check to be sure that technical reports explain products and processes clearly.
- See that technical specifications describe products comprehensively and accurately.
- Ensure that feasibility reports explore all sides of a question without making recommendations.
- Take care that independent research papers and lab reports represent research accurately and fairly.
Have you tested your document?
- Ask people to read what you have written and observe their reactions. If they get confused or can’t summarize your conclusions, revise your work.
- Ask people to visit your website and watch them navigate it. If they get lost, rewrite and redesign.
Is the information in your document easy to find, understand, and use?
- Make sure that your layout helps readers find the information they need.
- Use outlines, heads, subheads, and lists to label and group information, so it’s easy to find.
- Use simple, direct language to explain complex ideas.
- Avoid vague and ambiguous wording.
- Use examples and graphics as needed to illustrate concepts.
- Break text up into small chunks by topic or idea.
- Check the logical flow of your writing: be sure that ideas follow one another logically.
- Define terms when you first use them.
- Spell out abbreviated terms the first time you use them.
Is your document organized logically?
- Develop an outline first and follow it to ensure that topics are well-delineated.
- Proceed sentence-to-sentence and paragraph-to paragraph from what the reader already knows to what is new.
- Make sure that the logical links between parts are clear; don’t jump from apples to oranges.
Does your layout help readers to find what they need?
- Use heads and subheads to tell readers what is in each section.
- Keep paragraphs short, no more than 10 to 12 lines of text.
- Keep web pages to no more than a screen and a half of text to avoid scrolling.
- Make hyperlinks obvious.
- Provide an outline, table of contents, index, or site map.
Is your writing accurate, clear, concise, coherent, and appropriate?
- Quantify what you mean whenever possible.
- Complete comparisons.
- Choose the words that mean literally and precisely what you are trying to convey.
- Use words in their primary, literal meaning.
- Remove words and details you don’t need.
- Use words appropriately for their context.
Have you chosen language that fits your audience’s level of understanding?
- Use short, straightforward sentences.
- Avoid vague wording that could be misinterpreted.
- Explain technical terms that your readers are not likely to know.
- Use technical terms without explanation if your readers are specialists who should know them.
Have you checked your spelling and grammar?
- After revising, check your grammar carefully before finalizing your draft.
- Ask a colleague to proofread your writing to make sure it is coherent and clear.
Does your writing follow a correct, consistent style and format for publication?
- Follow general style recommendations for writing in your field or company.
- Use fonts and styles consistently throughout your document. Style Control on the Document Tab can help you achieve this.
- Take note of particular spellings, abbreviations, or usages that you must use consistently throughout the document.
- Check with your publisher, supervisor, or manual to find out what style guide to use.